15-Hour Recreational Float Course

seaplane training

15 Hour Seaplane Training Course

This 15 hour seaplane flight school program provides you with a recreational dual-flight experience.  Our training program will help you learn and experience floatplane flying. We are focused on safety, training, and learning.  Our pilots are experienced and knowledgeable and enjoy teaching and training on our fleet of well maintained and well loved floatplanes.


Requirement Rates (CAD)
10 Hours Dual       5,500
5 Hours Solo       2,250
Ground School            90
TC Rating Fee            30
Total (+GST)     $7,870
Come and learn the thrill of float flying! All year ’round. 

Note:  If you plan to fly floats commercially, more training will be required. The Seaplane Rating trains you for normal circuits, but commercial float operations will require you to be comfortable in all conditions. Pilots will need 25-50 hours, depending on the company and the operational environment. A seasonal float operation up north or back east will have different requirements than a year-round operation in the along the coast. The 15 hour seaplane training starts you on the right path.

Please book your seaplane course using the form below. We will respond as soon as we are back on the ground! 

Please check our cancellation policy

15 Hour Seaplane Training Course (Rating plus extra hours)
