We love to answer your questions about Fort Langley Air and our floatplane training, tours and charters.  Here are the answers to questions that we get asked a lot by passengers and pilots. Be sure to reach out and Contact Us if you have more!

Passengers – FAQ

What time of year can I fly?

We fly our floatplanes from dawn to dusk, 363 days per year, weather depending. Even during the coldest months of winter, our coastal waters are ice-free and we have plenty of great flying days.

What about the weather?

The weather is unpredictable around here, so we confirm the floatplane flight the day before and 2 hours before the flight.

How do I make a reservation?

Just email us at info@fortlangleyair.com. Email us to find out how we can fit into your schedule.

What should I wear?

Wear what’s appropriate for the time of year. Bring an extra layer, just in case. The temperature drops as we climb. And though we usually fly lower than wheeled aircraft, we do sometimes fly into the mountain zones where it is cooler.

Weight Restrictions?

The amount of weight we can take depends on the aircraft, destination and floatplane charter. In general, if you (or it) can fit in the average automobile or airplane seat, you’ll be okay. For most charters, we limit passengers to 50 lbs of baggage.

Pilots – FAQ

Pilots! Let's #FlytheFort!

Here are some questions about obtaining a float rating. Renting a plane?  Learn about our aircraft rentals!

What time of year can I do my float rating?

We are open 363 days of the year weather dependant! Book approximately 1 week in advance Fall-Spring and at least 2 weeks in advance during the summer.

How long will the rating take?

If we have good weather and availability the rating will take two full days for a committed individual.  The basic float rating is 7 hours Hobbs time.

Where do we train for the rating? Where do we fly to?

We fly throughout the Fraser Valley. We may fly to Pitt, Alloutte, Stave and Harrison lakes for the rating.Our hangar is located on the Fraser River at YPK, Pitt Meadows, British Columbia. Learn More

What aircraft will I fly to obtain my float rating?

We have 2 commercially registered Cessna 180’s for the rating and a DeHavilland Beaver, should you wish to check off a bucket list item! The Beavers are dual yoke equipped and flown dual only.

Can I just do some seaplane training without doing a full rating?

Yes. Our seaplanes are dual-yoke equipped. Pilots, check our our training page, our tours page which includes flightseeing for pilots, or call us to discuss.

Can I rent a float plane?

Yes you can! Contact us for more information on our rental structure and to discuss.

What documentation do I need to come and fly?

If you plan to do dual training, bring your pilot’s license and current medical. Please bring along your logbook.

If you want to fly solo, you’ll need to have a float rating, your pilot’s licence and your logbook. If your licence is not from Canada, you’ll need a Foreign Licence Validation Certificate (FLVC), which you get from Transport Canada.

What kind of license(s) do I have to have to get a float rating?

You have to have at least a Private Pilot’s License (PPL). Here are the rules on staying current.

Can I get a float rating if I don’t have a Canadian license?

Transport Canada regulations state you can only get a Canadian seaplane rating on a Canadian license. Start with our Foreign Pilot FAQ to get ideas about training in Canada.

Contact Transport Canada , Pacific Region

Contact the Transport Canada office for the Pacific Region:
3600 Lysander Lane
Richmond, BC V7B 1C3
+1 (604) 666-5571
E-mail: aviationservicesatl-servicesaviationatl.tc@tc.gc.ca

3600 Lysander Lane
Richmond, BC V7B 1C3
+1 (604) 666-5571
E-mail: aviationservicesatl-servicesaviationatl.tc@tc.gc.ca

What is Ground School like at FLA?

Ground school takes place in our hangar at Pitt Meadows.

Is the solo part of the rating "true solo"?

Yes, you will be the sole occupant of the float plane during the solo phase.

What is the cost of the float rating?

Our rates for our 7 and 15 hour ratings, our 50 hour Career Bush Pilot Course, and the Back to the Bush program are on our Float Training page.  We also have an hourly training rate for pilots wishing to build skills or hours.

What is the cancellation policy?

There is a $50 cancellation fee if the flight is cancelled within 24 hours of booking. There is no Cancellation fee if flight cancelled due to weather/maintenance etc.

Still have questions?

We're here to help! Reach out to us for more information or personalized guidance—we’re just a call or message away.

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